Saturday, June 20, 2009

Chip's Journey

I found this blog while researching information for my Info Lit pathfinder. Bruce Chip is a professor in Library & Information Science, Curriculum & Instruction, Bioengineering, the Center for Writing Studies, and the Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

This blog contains many links to a variety of articles dealing with many aspects of inquiry learning. The author of the blog is a professor in Library & Information Science, Curriculum & Instruction, Bioengineering, the Center for Writing Studies, and the Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

His background is in computer science which leads him to a continuing interest in all that information and communication technologies can do to help us understand, represent, and transform our world and our experiences in it. This interest has led him to explore a wide variety of topics ranging from poetry to health-care.

His entries range from discussing community as intellectual space to new media and its possibilities in education, as well as informatics and inquiry.

Not all of his blog entries have to do directly with education and technology. One entry titled "For the sake of a single verse" written on June 17, 2009 contains this quote

"I first encountered Shahn’s book when I was also in my late 20’s. That was a time when I began to feel that I was completed–finished with schooling, past the age for the military draft, onto a job in industry after three years teaching at Rutgers, married and already divorced. Then it hit me: I barely knew how to live, much less to turn experiences to memories to “blood within.”"

I like this quote because I agree with it wholeheartedly. I thought when I graduated from college and got my first job I, too, would feel completed but it didn't take long to realize that was not true. So I thought maybe when I was married or had children . . . Still don’t feel completed though since there is always more to learn. Now I’m feeling so overwhelmed by all of the new tech tools that I know I will probably never feel totally complete. However, I think I have reached a point in maturity that allows me to be OK with this rather than being worried about seeming competent about everything I am dealing with even when new.

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a title for Chip!!

    But that aside, what a powerful quote! At this time, when so much is available, it will take that understanding that there is no "end", only lots of interesting beginnings.

    Think how you can encourage students!
