Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Weblogg-ed: learning with the read/write web

Will Richardson’s blog will be very useful as the tech coordinator and I work to convince administrators and teachers about the value of blogging. With so many different reasons that one would read educational blogs found in the entry, “A Cocktail Party Filled With Educators,” I’m sure I could find one or more for any objection that could be raised. The staff at my school is fairly tech literate and they are past the point of using technology for technology’s sake so having valid reasons before their questions would allow me to respond with good answers rather than simply react off the top of my head. The other blog entries looked just as informative.
Mr. Richardson is well-established and respected in the educational field as shown by the hundreds of other blogs that follow his blog as well as the numerous hits one encounters during a search of the internet. His credentials listed in the about section of his blog show that he is sought after by others in this field to partner with him.
His blogs relate to many aspects of education each relating in some way to the read/write web.


  1. I'll be very curious to see what you think about his latest postings on Iran. This past couple of days has been phenomenal in relation to social media!

  2. Very cool - I read your post on Evan's blog! That is exactly what it is about. We are all learning and you are right, we have different day to day stuff, but we keep going back to find out more to try!!
