Friday, June 26, 2009

Simply Teaching

I chose to follow the blog Simply Teaching because Jim Hansen discusses ways that he incorporates technology into his classroom. He looks for simple connections between the technology and his current curriculum rather than inventing new new projects to fit his curriculum and the technology. I think that having this blog and his ideas available for teachers to examine will encourage them to think about their own curriculum and practices and find ways to incorporate the technology into what is already being done.

I also like this blog because he asks deeper questions of himself and his readers as well. In his May 28 blog he asks the question, "Are we human . . . or are we dancers?" This question comes from a song and he discusses his, and others, teaching practices and rephrases the questions in this manner, "
Are we allowing our children to dance to the beat of their own creativity? Our we allowing that particular door to be opened? Or our we and our educational system closing that door to our children in the pursuit of other lofty goals?" His discussion includes a speech given by a politician about reforming educations and a video of the song mentioned earlier.

Both aspects of his blog, incorporating technology and teaching practices in general, make this a good blog to follow. I think I will gain a lot from following.

1 comment:

  1. I'm seeing that you followed both an educator and a school blog, but not seeing that you compared two of each.

    For the ones you follow, however, I think you have made good reasons to keep connected.

    Are you still finding good things from Jim?
    Liked the dance comment!
